For Phase 3a, we refined our 3 user personas - the advance user, the novice user, and the anti-user based on last week's feedbacks. We decided to target the military users and come out with a military phone. We then did some user research on participants who fit our updated advance user persona before attempting to design our product.
Our product basically can be divided into 2 sub products: the mobile phone, and the website that allows user to customize the mobile phone and purchase it.
For the mobile phone, we carried out a simple cultural probe using just a small notebook and pen, like in Assignment 3. This is not only due to our budget constraints, but also because it will be impossible for our participants to bring in visual/ audio recording devices into their military camps.
Because military personnels in Singapore will all carry a little black notebook and pen with them during training, we decided to give them the same notebook to record down their feelings and happenings during the search, the usage, and the disposal of their mobile phone. This is in accordance to the Product Life Cycle, the Value Creation and Delivery Sequence Model, and the Simplified UX Model, whereby the user experience of the product can be enhanced by tracking each stage of their usage, from the product manufacturing raw material (think Body Shop), to the sourcing/ purchase, to the actual use, and finally to the disposal of the product.
We also carried out survey to find out about the needs and excitement features of a mobile phone as perceived by our target users. Likewise, we also seek to find information online through the online forums that may be frequent by our target user.
For our website, we analyzed numerous mobile phone companies' websites (e.g. Nokia, Samsung, etc.), service providers' website (e.g. Singtel, M1, and Starhub), and also Dell's website to come out with a common-to-all information-categorization list. Card sorting was then carried out to determine the most user-friendly information structure for our target users.
Here's our presentation for Phase 3a:
Phase 3b
There is no presentation for Phase 3b. What we are required to do, was to develop low-fidelity prototype based on our user research findings. Hence, we sketched out potential mobile phone designs and listed the specifications of our mobile phones, and we also came out with paper prototype of our website.
Showing our mobile phone designs to Mr Reddy, he feedbacked that we should probably do away with the clamshell phone and the slide phone, as the nature of these two designs is that they are less durable compared to a solid bar phone with the slides and hinge mechanisms etc., which are dust magnets. He also asked about the use of our mobile phone by soldiers during the night whereby there is a need to be tactical.
We also decided on 4 main tasks that we want our users to undertake to test the paper prototype of our website, and see if the users are able to derive positive user experience or face difficulties trying to carry out the tasks.
The 4 tasks are as follow:
1.Sign up for a user account
2.Purchase a mobile phone
3.Customize and purchase a mobile
4.Trade-in a mobile phone
And here's our low-fidelity prototype:
Phase 3c
For our mobile phone, we incorporated the ideas we got from our research and came out with this medium-fidelity prototype.
Unfortunately, we were unable to do a high-fidelity prototype like the dummy phones we often see on display. Here's our mobile phone prototype.
For the website, we managed to create a high fidelity prototype, which can be found HERE! and incorporated the findings from our previous researches as well.
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